9 Mar, 22

Women’s access to finance, a key growth factor

2022-04-22T16:58:32+00:0009/03/2022|Latest News|

On the sidelines of the commemoration of International Women’s Day, Tanager in Burkina Faso brought together its partners around a Gender Café on 7th March 2022 in Ouagadougou. The participants reflected, among other things, on the concrete actions to be taken for the effective … Lire plus

4 Apr, 21

Sowing the seeds of agricultural entrepreneurs

2022-05-06T15:20:29+00:0004/04/2021|Latest News|

As more and more young people are turning their backs on agriculture because of its low competitiveness, how can we keep young rural people in their places of origin? The Agropastoral and Services Company, SAPAS, based in Loumbila, about twenty kilometres from Ouagadougou in … Lire plus

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